This Has Been A Great Year

Well Friends,

This year is winding down.

I appreciate you visiting and reading and commenting.

This has been a very good year.
At the beginning of 2006 I had no idea that I would be:
  • starting a blog in May
  • starting a new church in June
  • going on the radio in July
  • leaving the Praise Fellowship Church building in October
You see we can make our plans and we should but remember we're not alone. We have a partner. A friend in the god-head. We have Jesus as our savior, the Father as our father and the Holy Spirit as our earthly partner and helper. He is the one who made these "extra" and "unplannable" things happen.

Make it your aim to get to know Him better this new year. One of the main reasons Jesus came was to make way for the Holy Spirit to live in you.

I hope that you are doing well. If you're not let me know, we can pray for you. We've seen awesom things happen as we've prayed. God is available to help. We can call on Him together. He loves to show up and do His stuff.

Love ya