Fresh Word
Son, be at peace.
Allow my river to flow from your heart. Allow the words to be formed in your mouth that will be life and peace. Words that will be authority and bring structure and order. Shall you not be an oracle? You shall. This is your destiny. I must have a mouth piece in the earth. The words must flow from my Spirit to your spirit to your mouth to the ears of those who must hear. Its not only humans who must hear you speak, there are spirits, angelic and demonic who must hear your words. They must hear the sound that they’ve heard for ages past. The same sound, the same authority they’ve heard in heaven. They know and have heard that voice. They recognize the sound of faith as it comes forth into the earth. They have heard it much and they know the change it brings. They respect it. They must bow to it. Son be my mouth piece. Speak what my Spirit gives you to speak. Speak. Speak. Speak!