Marriages Under Attack
Hey Friends,
Yesterday's message at church seems to have impacted alot of people. Nancy & I shared some things we've been going through lately. Some of it was from this journal entry from Saturday morning. If you want to listen to the message, here's the link. Nancy shares at the end.
God bless.
I hope this helps you.
Good morning Lord. I feel a little stuck. I've been trying to write the sermon for tomorrow and can't seem to go anywhere. Tell me what I'm doing wrong or what I need to do.
Son, your focus is not on me. Your focus has been on your problem. Draw from me not from your problem. I am your source. Focus on me.
Son, hear my voice! Listen to me. I am calling you and want to talk to you about many things, take the time to write what I say. You will be filled up.
Son, your relationship with Nancy is under attack. She needs more than she is getting from you. The devil sees that weakness and attacks her mind with thoughts. She is struggling in your relationship. Give her the help she needs. Cut off the devil from his attack. He's feeding on your weakness to hurt her and your relationship.
So, what do I do?
Spend time with her. She's a quality time type of person. She needs to have your time and your attention. I made her that way for you. It's not a weakness. You need this in her. It helps keep you focused. You need this same focus in the ministry I've called you to.
OK quality time
& quantity!
OK then what?
Put your focus on the things that are on her plate. The problems that she is struggling with. Begin to put your muscle behind the effort to bring those issues, problems and projects to resolution or completion. As you do this, you are serving her. This delights me because as you humble yourself to serve her the process of humbling yourself breaks pride. When pride is decreased in your life then I get more room in your life. I won't have to resist you and great things can happen. This delights me.
Trust me for the things you need to get done. You'll have my help and assistance just as she will have yours.
Husbands, love your wives as Christ loves the church.
Son, my word is true. I really do delight when you obey me.