Hey Friends,
I get a weekly email from a friend of mine. Her name is
Schlyce Jimenez. She sends out a weekly word from the Lord. Nancy & I have been amazed at the accuracy and timeliness of these words.
I recommend getting on her list, these words are very encouraging. You can sign up on her
Here's a recent word, check it out:
It's a new season, it's a new day. It's time to put the past away!
Focus on Me and follow My lead. For where you're going there is no map, no paradigm, and no previous trail to follow. Therefore, you must depend completely on Me. You're an original. I desire to blaze a new trail through you so that others will be able to follow in your footsteps. I've called you to be a way maker and to be a unique representation (re-presentation) of My goodness. I have new depths of glory for you to experience and new exploits for you to accomplish. But you cannot move forward glorifying the past. You must forget what lies behind. You must wake up every day with a brand new mindset. Old things have passed away. Behold all things are new. My mercy is new everyday and yesterday's failures must be put away. You cannot step into the unknown while focused on the past. No, it's a new day! Expect Me to speak. Expect Me to guide you. Make a demand on the unction that resides in you. Pray in the Spirit, and expect the interpretation. Expect Me to speak to you in unusual ways. Expect Me to speak to you at all times and you will find that hearing Me is easy. You must get and keep yourself in a position to hear My voice. How can you follow Me if you can't even hear Me? My sheep hear My voice and I am leading You, so press in until you are able to abide in the secret place even in the midst of turmoil around you. Your source of life is found only in Me, therefore You must learn to abide in My presence.
In this new season I will also teach you to rest in My ability and the finished work of the cross. I desire to break off the yoke of striving and working in the flesh and show you how to tap into My grace, favor and blessing. You cannot obtain Your inheritance or fulfill My plan for your life in your own strength, talent or ability. The life I have planned for you was never meant to be difficult, it was meant to be impossible. It's impossible to you to accomplish My will apart from Me. You must learn to yield and abide and tap into My presence. You must learn to slow down and allow Me to open doors that no man can shut and shut doors that no man can open, through My favor. I have a plan for your life and I want to do the exceedingly abundantly above all that you hope and dream, but you must learn to rely on Me and allow Me to bring my purposes to pass for you in My timing and in My design. Otherwise you will end up with "Ishmaels" and unwanted frustration. But be assured, your breakthrough is coming like a storm that builds momentum until the rain cannot be held back. You will see My glory. You will see My plans come to fruition. You will see your desires fulfilled if you will make abiding in Me your highest aim. For without Me you can do nothing, but Christ in you is the hope of glory. Relying on My presence in You is the key. My grace is abundant. So rest in My goodness child and focus on Me. I will finish the good work I began in you and bring it to full completion.
God bless you my friend,