It's Not Good For Man To Be Alone!!!

Hey Friends,

Haven't posted in a while, I was out of town a few days then Nancy took a vacation with her sisters. So, I've had the kids since Saturday morning. That can be a good thing once in a while, you know you get more individual time with the kids, you get to talk to them, play with the little ones and get some projects done for Nancy that would bless her.

But the Bible says in Genesis 2:18  
The LORD God said, 
"It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him." 

Well I must tell you that I agree with that scripture. For a time, for a little vacation off with her sisters, no problem. But me being alone would not be good.
All you have to do is walk in the house and look around and you can tell that it's not good. Nancy does a wonderful job of keeping the house clean and beautiful. I do a mediocre job at best. Nancy makes sure the little girls are completely taken care of. With me they learn more survival skills :) 

I have told many people this and I'll share it with you. If it hadn't been for Nancy I would not be near as blessed as I am in my life. She has had a profound effect on me. I am more of a man. I'm a better father. I'm a better provider. I'm a better pastor and boss. All this due in large part to my wife and her letting God work through her. She encourages me and that means so much.

I'm looking forward to picking her up tonight at the airport. She's a great blessing to me.

Proverbs 31
10  A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies. 
11  Her husband has full confidence in her and lacks nothing of value. 
12  She brings him good, not harm, all the days of her life. 

I'm a truly blessed man.
Welcome home Nancy!