The Power of Questions
So, what would you think if I did a whole blog post and only asked questions?
Would you read it?
Could you get anything out of it?
Would you be willing to try????
- So, what's your name?
- How old are you?
- How did you vote in the last election?
- What are your plans for eternity?
- What are you doing after high school?
- When was the last time you had an intelligent, enjoyable conversation?
- What would you like for Christmas?
Have you ever wondered what life would be like if there were no periods or exclamation marks, just question marks?
Do questions open up a void or a vacuum demanding an answer?
Aren't vacuums so powerful that they'll draw anything available into them?
What if you ask the wrong person the right question?
Will you get the right answer?
Do questions create tension in our thinking?
Do questions lead to learning?
When was the last time you asked an intelligent question?
Do you think you could learn better if you asked better questions?
Do you know what you need to learn?
Do you know what questions to ask?
What if you ask the right person the wrong question?
Will you get the right answer?
Have you exposed yourself to the body of knowledge necessary to get you where you want to go?
Do you think knowledge will just come to you without you pursuing it with a question?
What if you asked God a question?
Would He reply?
What if you didn't know what to ask Him?
What if you asked Him what you should ask?
What do you think?
Did you get anything out of this blog post?