Are You Ready To Grow Up?
As a pastor I have a strong desire to see people grow and mature in the Lord.
This really affects all areas of life so I don't hold back on talking about all sorts of things when I'm teaching. Paul mentioned something like this in the following verse:
Acts 20:20
You know that I have not hesitated to preach anything that would be helpful to you but have taught you publicly and from house to house.
This verse gives me great liberty in making applications of the word of God in all kinds of ways. Any way that would be helpful in maturing people.
Starting in January at church I'm going to start teaching the basics of Christianity.
I'm going to use an outline from Andrew Wommack's Discipleship Evangelism course.
But I believe Christian maturity is not shown by how much you know or by how gifted you are but by how you act. Specifically how well you operate in the Fruit of the Spirit as outlined in
Galatians 5:22,23.
22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control.
Now I have been doing an offering message during most services since I started pastoring but in the new year I'm going to switch that and do a Character Message before the offering. I'll start with the Fruit of the Spirit but then move into all different types of character qualities that we should have.
I'm pretty excited about this because it's on me just like any time the Holy Spirit is on me to do something. I believe He(the Holy Spirit) has a bunch that He wants to share with us.
So I invite you, if you're in the Chicago area, come check us out at the Wheaton Bowl 10am Sundays. If you're not local hit us on the web at our church site, you can listen to all of my sermons or radio shows there. Make it a regular habit. I believe its time for Christians to grow up and become mature. The Lord may be calling you to this. Are you ready? We are. Join us.
Pastor Joe
This really affects all areas of life so I don't hold back on talking about all sorts of things when I'm teaching. Paul mentioned something like this in the following verse:
Acts 20:20
You know that I have not hesitated to preach anything that would be helpful to you but have taught you publicly and from house to house.
This verse gives me great liberty in making applications of the word of God in all kinds of ways. Any way that would be helpful in maturing people.
Starting in January at church I'm going to start teaching the basics of Christianity.
I'm going to use an outline from Andrew Wommack's Discipleship Evangelism course.
But I believe Christian maturity is not shown by how much you know or by how gifted you are but by how you act. Specifically how well you operate in the Fruit of the Spirit as outlined in
Galatians 5:22,23.
22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control.
Now I have been doing an offering message during most services since I started pastoring but in the new year I'm going to switch that and do a Character Message before the offering. I'll start with the Fruit of the Spirit but then move into all different types of character qualities that we should have.
I'm pretty excited about this because it's on me just like any time the Holy Spirit is on me to do something. I believe He(the Holy Spirit) has a bunch that He wants to share with us.
So I invite you, if you're in the Chicago area, come check us out at the Wheaton Bowl 10am Sundays. If you're not local hit us on the web at our church site, you can listen to all of my sermons or radio shows there. Make it a regular habit. I believe its time for Christians to grow up and become mature. The Lord may be calling you to this. Are you ready? We are. Join us.
Pastor Joe