Renewing Your Mind
Hey Friends,
I've been teaching lately on the renewing of your mind.
This concept is taken from Romans 12:2
Friend, if you knew what God's perfect will was for your life, would you do it?
What if you don't know what that will is?
You don't want to get to heaven and find out you had an assignment on earth that you never knew about!
The only way you're going to know what God's full will is for your life is if you begin to renew your mind. You see if you've given your life to Jesus Christ then your spirit is brand new. The problem is you still have your old brain and body. So although Jesus has done a complete work in your spirit He has left some work for you to do:
You are responsible to renew your mind.
If you don't do it, nobody else will.
Realize though the benefit: if you renew your mind you will be transformed. The word "transformed" there comes from the same Greek word where we get metamorphosis. So imagine a caterpillar being changed into a butterfly. God's will for your life is that you be more like a butterfly than a caterpillar.
If you're walking around this life with an un-renewed mind you are more like a worm,
a caterpillar
than what you are supposed to be like:
a butterfly.
Spend time reading God's word.
Listen to some good teaching about who you have become now that Jesus lives in your heart.
I've shared about this several times in our teaching at church.
Take some time and listen on our church website. I believe you'll be blessed.
Love ya
I've been teaching lately on the renewing of your mind.
This concept is taken from Romans 12:2
- Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world,
but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.
Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—
his good, pleasing and perfect will.
Friend, if you knew what God's perfect will was for your life, would you do it?
What if you don't know what that will is?
You don't want to get to heaven and find out you had an assignment on earth that you never knew about!
The only way you're going to know what God's full will is for your life is if you begin to renew your mind. You see if you've given your life to Jesus Christ then your spirit is brand new. The problem is you still have your old brain and body. So although Jesus has done a complete work in your spirit He has left some work for you to do:
You are responsible to renew your mind.
If you don't do it, nobody else will.
Realize though the benefit: if you renew your mind you will be transformed. The word "transformed" there comes from the same Greek word where we get metamorphosis. So imagine a caterpillar being changed into a butterfly. God's will for your life is that you be more like a butterfly than a caterpillar.
If you're walking around this life with an un-renewed mind you are more like a worm,
than what you are supposed to be like:
Spend time reading God's word.
Listen to some good teaching about who you have become now that Jesus lives in your heart.
I've shared about this several times in our teaching at church.
Take some time and listen on our church website. I believe you'll be blessed.
Love ya