Eliminate Distractions

I woke up Wednesday morning with this feeling that there were some distractions on my radar screen.

As I prayed the Lord spoke to me:

"Eliminate distractions
distractions will eliminate you!"

So it's time for us to clean things off of our plate.
Learn to say no.
Make certain that what you're endeavoring to start you are equipped to do
and that you have a full tank of desire and motivation for it.

For me if I know the Lord has spoken to my heart then I can continue against some pretty severe odds. But if I don't have that assurance I can have a fairly short attention span.

What I did after the Lord spoke the above word to me was, make a list of activities that are possibly distractions, make another list of those items that are definitely not.
Just focus on the second list. Apply strong pressure to it. You'll be pleased at the results.
Be blessed