Change Is For The Brave
Here are some sample pages from the book.
The Book Introduction
Affecting change in our lives is so elusive; we grasp for it as for water with a bare
hand or as for oil. Lasting change just slips away from us. Is there a key? Is there a
way to accomplish lasting change in our lives? What’s revealed in this book is a
topographical look at what you will have to deal with to affect change in yourself.
As you take time with each statement on each page, our intention is that you will
slow down for a time of reflection, even spending a few minutes on each page just
to let the deeper truths of the statements sink in. Reading this book in this manner
will be like having someone holding your hand through the deep processes of
change. I believe change is possible and you believe change is necessary. Receive
this book as a step toward that change you desire. Wishing you the bravery needed
for effective change...
The Story
My time with the Lord in the morning is very important to me. Over a year ago, one
morning, I was enjoying my time with Him, and I began to write what I thought
would be tweets or maybe some modern day proverbs. The content of this book is
what came out. As I began to read and meditate on it it began to dawn on me the
power behind the words. I kept thinking it was for other people, but one day as I
was reading it to my brother, I realized these words were for me, they were most
needed in my life. Since then we've pursued publishing it and each time I read it to
someone I get a response similar to, "Why did you write a book about me?"
So, I need to continue reading this book, but while I'm doing it I can share it with
you. You can get it currently as an e-book on Remember all the
proceeds of the book go directly to Joseph Barlow Ministries so we can continue to
do more and more of the things we're called to do.
Enjoy Change Is For The Brave
- Joe